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Lets Get ! Wrinkle Reduction Facial Toning and Anti-Agin Microcurrent Machine

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Wrinkle Reduction Facial Toning and Anti-Agin Microcurrent Machine

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Product details of Wrinkle Reduction Facial Toning and Anti-Agin Microcurrent Machine in Canada

FDA cleared microcurrent machine for personal facial. It delivers true micro current for toning and rejuvenation of the skin.
Brings results for non-invasive face treatment to lift and tone the facial muscles and rejuvenate the appearance of wrinkle
Unique design helps accurate and consistent delivery of microcurrent.
portable and light weight with rechargeable battery system
This device can be used to:stimulate facial muscles,Rejuvenate the skin,Bring non-invasive treatment to the Face.

Specifications of Wrinkle Reduction Facial Toning and Anti-Agin Microcurrent Machine
  • Seller :Costo Express
  • Product-Code:0
  • Item Condition: New
  • Order Whatsapp: 0336-3985817
Location : Karachi